《The Night Ends with Fire》K. X. Song【文字版_PDF电子书_下载】

《The Night Ends with Fire》封面图片
书名:The Night Ends with Fire
作者:K. X. Song






三国交战,美琳的父亲却拒绝应征。 他打算卖掉美琳作为嫁妆。 但当美琳发现她的未婚夫是另一个暴力、脾气暴躁的男人时,她意识到,除非她自己解决问题,否则什么都不会改变。


在军队中,美琳的不懈努力为她带来了认可、友谊,以及与王子变身训练伙伴的斯凯的亲密关系。 但她只是把一座监狱换成了另一座监狱吗? 当她的王国走向毁灭时,梅琳开始看到海龙之魂的幻象,它为她提供了真正的力量和自由,但也付出了致命的代价。

在三个王国的未来悬而未决的情况下,梅琳需要决定该信任谁——激发她忠诚和爱的天空;激发她忠诚和爱的天空; 海龙之魂,有着自己不可告人的目的; 或者一个令人愤怒的敌方王子让她质疑她曾经所知道的一切——关于她的王国和她自己的内心。

The Three Kingdoms are at war, but Meilin’s father refuses to answer the imperial draft. He plans to sell Meilin for her dowry. But when Meilin discovers her husband-to-be is another violent, ill-tempered man, she realizes that nothing will change for her unless she takes matters into her own hands.

The very next day, she disguises herself as a boy and enlists in her father’s place.

In the army, Meilin's relentless hard work brings her recognition, friendship—and a growing closeness with Sky, a prince turned training partner. But has she simply exchanged one prison for another? As her kingdom barrels toward destruction, Meilin begins to have visions of a sea dragon spirit that offers her true power and freedom, but with a deadly price.

With the future of the Three Kingdoms hanging in the balance, Meilin will need to decide whom to trust—Sky, who inspires her loyalty and love; the sea dragon spirit, who has his own murky agenda; or an infuriating enemy prince who makes her question everything she once knew—about her kingdom and about her own heart.


宋国祥是一位祖籍中国香港和上海的侨民作家。 她在不同文化和语言之间长大,喜欢讲述探索记忆、翻译和历史本质变化的故事。 她的青少年小说《城市回声》被《金融时报》和《柯克斯评论》评为 2023 年优质图书。 《夜以火结束》是她的成人奇幻处女作。

K. X. Song is a diaspora writer with roots in Hong Kong and Shanghai. Raised between cultures and languages, she enjoys telling stories that explore the shifting nature of memory, translation, and history. Her young adult novel, An Echo in the City, was named a Best Book of 2023 by Financial Times and Kirkus Reviews. The Night Ends with Fire is her adult fantasy debut.